
About Me


My name is Tim and I like to make things. I always have liked to make things, since I first picked up a guitar at the age of 8. This lead me to study Studio Engineering, Sound Design & Production when I first went to Uni, as I loved making music (I still do make music, which you can hear here). But, being from a small town in The North, there weren’t many opportunities for a career. What followed was a series of dead end jobs, but during this time I developed a love of writing. I started to write my own film scripts and treatments, one of which was made (a script that I’m still quite proud of). Through a few random connections I found out about advertising, and realised that it combined lots of things that I enjoyed making. I initially started out as a Copywriter, but developed a love of Art Direction over the years, which means I can now switch seamlessly between the two. I also realised that I really like taking pictures, so I have been working as a semi-professional photographer in my spare time for the last couple of years too (portfolio here). So, long story short I make copy, I direct art, I take photos, I design sound and above all I make ads. And I bloody love it.

Having been on the receiving end of so much good advice and support in the early stages of my career, it’s important to me to do the same for others. This is why I run placements schemes, and have mentored at School of Communication Arts in Brixton, and Creative Mentor Network. I have also done work for a charity called IntoUniversity, which supports kids from underprivileged backgrounds and encourages them to go onto further education.

Bonus fact: I once fought Christian Bale’s Batman stunt double in a Karate tournament and was immediately knocked out.